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70-466 exam Braindumps related information


70-466 exam  Braindumps related information Empty 70-466 exam Braindumps related information

帖子 由 Admin 周二 八月 26, 2014 7:52 am

The end-of-sales date for PCs running the consumer-focused versions of Windows 7 is October 31. And while you can still find boxed passfine copies 70-466 of Windows 7 Microsoft at some online retailers, official software sales of the OS ended last October.You see the problem: The Windows 8 name alone turns off many enthusiasts. After October 31, you won't be able to buy a new PC passfine without Windows 8, and there Microsoft will be no hope on the horizon for desktop diehards 70-466 with a grudge against the OS unless Microsoft announces a more PC-friendly Windows 9 first.Likewise, many businesses refuse to upgrade Microsoft to Windows 8, given the high training costs required to teach everyday workers passfine to navigate the overhauled operating system. It's in Microsoft's best interest to introduce a 70-466 version of Windows that's more oriented towards change-averse enterprise sensibilities sooner rather than later, so that companies can begin planning their eventual migration away from Windows 7. Those migrations can take a long time.


帖子数 : 161
注册日期 : 14-06-18


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